Yasemin, Who?

Yasemin means jasmin in English, which puts many little white flowers.
Chiharu Uetsuki became a muslima in 19th Mar. 2001. Yasmin is the islam name she got at that time of shahadah, which is the religious confession of islam, "Ashhad an la: ilaha illa-LLAH wa Ashhad inna Muhammadan rasul ul-LLAH."
Is the spelling of Yasemin familiar to you? It is turkish. "Why Turkish?"

How come she became to be a muslima(lady muslim)?

Wow, it's a long story. But, in a short summary, it is quite easy. It came into her soul and mind quite naturally.

Among many religions, she sought for her way in many years in her life and in many religious literatures. Islam is the very first religion and maybe the last religion that she could believe.

The fact that she has been enchanted by deserts for many years may have some connection to her emotion.

She has been brought up in the circumstances of Christianity in her early ages, and this is one of the reasons why she loved singing and finally she majored vocal music in her academic career. Her knowledge of Christianity could have helped her to become a muslima. The thoughts of islam, "God is one, and Moses and Jesus Christ and Muhammad are the messengers of God" could be understood with her knowledge of the Bible and Judaism.

The five obligations of islam which seemed strange to her at first, are understood quite naturally and reasonably to her now. She has got peace and found her way to eternal life.

The Road to Mecca by Muhammad Asad

The book above seems to have given a great influence on her.

As well known obligation for muslims, she is happy to keep salat(worships) five times a day. Further more, she is studying Quran and memorizing already thirty chapters in arabic. She is going to read through the whole Quran by her second anniversary of her shahadah.

But, in any religion, more or less, there lie agony come from the faith. Especially the more powers dominates in this world, the more pains and sorrows hurt her so much. Jihad is a holy fight. Whereas the real fight against the one who attack us is considered to be a little one, the fight against the enemy inside of our mind in daily life is called to be a great jihad. Oh, what a time. What a evil world. This will be another story.

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